Put your interview skills to the test and gain valuable industry knowledge from our sponsors! This recruitment workshop will teach you how to stand out once you are face to face with an interviewer through practicing in a low-stakes mock interview. The event will conclude with a networking portion to give you the chance to meet other employers.
Students are encouraged to bring 3 paper copies of their resume. Complimentary non-alcoholic beverages will be made available for students.
Attendance and communication are a direct reflection of your professionalism. If you've acquired any tickets and are not able to attend the event, please email cesa@ualberta.ca by the end of the day on November 20th, 2023. Students who purchase tickets and do not inform CESA of their absence will not be allowed to attend future events.
Date: November 22 @ 4:30-8:00 PM MST
Location: Carruthers Students Commons (1st Floor of Business Building)
Registration Deadline: November 20 @ Noon (12 PM)
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mock-interview-night-tickets-747777511667
Dress Code: Business Formal