Hello, my name is Dawson, CESA’s VP Corporate Relations for the 2023/2024 school year! I am a SEM major, with a minor in psychology in my fourthish year of studies.

I joined CESA because I hope to help with the development of the Co-op program, and bring more value to fellow co-op students. I hope to make co-op more accessible to business students, and support those looking to secure co-op positions.

I look forward to meeting you in person and exploring ways that we can work together to ensure students at the UofA have a better experience finding jobs and going through the recruitment process. I served as the VP Events last year, and I am returning as VP Corporate Relations to further the goals we achieved last year!

Whenever I am not busy with school and work, I enjoy rock climbing, board games, escape rooms, and hanging out with friends.

Please feel free to contact me at dfenrich@ualberta.ca if you have any questions, I am always willing to help!